Utilization of direct forcing immersed boundary methods for the optimization of inertial focusing microfluidics


  • Patrick Giolando School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
  • Hui Ma Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University
  • Tamara Kinzer-Ursem Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University
  • Steve Wereley School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University




Microfluidics, Inertial Focusing, Numerical Methods


Inertial focusing microfluidics have gained significant momentum in the last decade for their ability to separate and filter mixtures of particles and cells based on size [1-3]. However, the most important feature is that the separation is passive, without the need for external forces. At the heart of inertial focusing is the balance between counteracting lift forces: shear and wallinduced lift. Shear-induced lift is a product of the curvature of the fluid flow and the rotation of the particle in the flow, while wall-induced lift is generated by the disturbance of the fluid by the particle near a wall. This phenomenon was first observed by Segre and Silberberg for the focusing of particles in a pipe, and was later extended to the focusing of cells and particle in rectangular channels [4]. Taking advantage of inertial focusing we explore particle capture utilizing an expanded channel microfluidics chip design. By expanding a small region of the straight channel microvortices form in the well, which allows for size selective trapping of particles.






Micro Flows