Development and Uncertainty Characterization of Rotating 3D Velocimetry using a Single Plenoptic Camera
plenoptic, volumetric, rotatingAbstract
Rotating 3D velocimetry (R3DV) is a single-camera PIV technique designed to track the evolution of flow over a rotor in the rotating reference frame. A high-speed (stationary) plenoptic camera capable of 3D imaging captures the motion of particles within the volume of interest through a revolving mirror from the central hub of a hydrodynamic rotor facility, a by-product being an undesired image rotation. R3DV employs a calibration method adapted for rotation such that during MART reconstruction, voxels are mapped to pixel coordinates based on the mirror’s instantaneous azimuthal position. Interpolation of calibration polynomial coefficients using a fitted Fourier series is performed to bypass the need to physically calibrate volumes corresponding to each fine azimuth angle. Reprojection error associated with calibration is calculated on average to be less than 0.6 of a pixel. Experimental uncertainty of cross-correlated 3D/3C vector fields is quantified by comparing vectors obtained from imaging quiescent flow via a rotating mirror to an idealized model based purely on rotational kinematics. The uncertainty shows no dependency on azimuth angle while amounting to approximately less than 0.21 voxels per timestep in the in-plane directions and correspondingly 1.7 voxels in the radial direction, both comparable to previously established uncertainty estimations for single-camera plenoptic PIV.
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